7 instructions:

Label, Goto Label: Your loop setup

Travel: The instruction to goto a destination

Pickup, Dropoff: Enter the cue to pickup or dropoff cargo at a destination. Tractors will wait in the cue until the destination can fulfill their instruction. IE, if the tractor is in the dropoff cue, it will be there until the destination has space for it to drop off it's cargo

Call Signal, Wait for Signal: Sync instructions. When a signal is called from a tractor, any tractor waiting for that signal will be able to procced

You are scored on 3 things. Number of trucks, number of instructions, and the time it took to complete the order

In this prototype, there is only one level. you need to ship 10 sand to the asteroid colony on the bottom left


STP-Win.zip 30 MB


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Can anyone beat my score? Probably not

Not a bad time